Monday, 22 December 2014

My top five Christmas films...

The Muppet Christmas Carol
As far as I am concerned this is the best Christmas film ever. Officially. How can you not love the combination of Charles Dickens, muppets, and Michael Caine- singing!

Home Alone
This is another classic from my childhood. This film has everything- it's funny, sad, and has a scary old man that turns out to be really nice. Side note: every time I watch it I always get the urge for pizza.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
 I love this one as it's a bit more on the cheeky side, has lots of laughs (especially from cousin Eddie) and gives a slightly more realistic portrayal of Christmas (a stress filled nightmare!)

Bad Santa
I'm not really one for overly sentimental cheesy films which is why I love Bad Santa. One of the most swear filled films ever, it takes everything nice about this time of year and, well, ruins it. It also happens to be a brilliant black comedy. 

Die Hard
Following on from above this is another perfect Christmas film if you hate Christmas films! Who can resist a bare footed John McClane save the Nakatomi Plaza from Hans Gruber and his gang on Christmas Eve. Yippee Ki Yay!

Others I like... The Santa Clause, Elf, and You've Got Mail (which I count as a Christmas film!)

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